日前,看点满满的JINHAN FAIR线上展会同期活动已奉上(查看活动一览)。其中,针对采购需求量大且迫切的TEDi团队,我们特别开设了一场线上采购对接会,帮助海外大买家释放采购需求的同时,也促进展商实现“云接单”。
TEDi是德国最大的折扣零售商之一,总部位于德国多特蒙德,目前分店遍布8个国家,共2300多家门店。作为非食品类全能选手,每个分店提供多达15000 种不同的商品,销售商品范围包括家居和家装用品、文具和配饰家纺等。因丰富的产品种类、以及持续更替促销产品而广受好评。店面都是现代化布置,且一应俱全,以便使商品获得最佳的展示。
本次线上展会,TEDi 的采购需求主要为家居装饰类,如脏衣篮、烛台、LED灯、装饰彩灯、桌布、装饰摆件等;礼品类,如礼品盒、颜料盒等,产品具体款式和详细描述请留意采购对接会。
TEDi GmbH & Co. KG 线上采购对接会
时间:2020年6月18日 4:30pm
需求发布:TEDi 采购团队
TEDi采购经理 Victoria Baykan
为帮助展商们更好地了解买家信息和采购意向,我们特别邀请TEDi采购经理 Victoria Baykan先来一波剧透,各位请收好:
What is the current situation of your company?
Starting in 2004, Tedi is now running more than 2.300 shops in 8 different countries Europe-wide. We offer a great variety of items to our consumers such as decoration, household and many more. Our assortment from different categories contains more than 15.000 items constantly. Beside the permanent optimization of our assortment, our focus is to expand our number of shops outside Germany, which is still our main market.
What changes are expected in your procurement demand?
Item wise we do not see too many changes in our sourcing demand and consumption trends. We are always looking for new items and the next trend, but at the same time, we need reliable and flexible partners.
These difficult times, that we had all gone through, underlines one more time, how important reliable business partnerships are. To all of us.
Q3、贵公司如何看待Jinhan Fair线上展会?对它有何期望?
How do you view the Jinhan Fair online exhibition? What do you expect from it?
A、Jinhan Fair线上展会为我们创造了一个绝佳的机会。由于受到出行限制的影响,越来越多的会展活动开始转移到线上。因此,举办线上展会可以说是大势所趋。不过,我们关注的重点始终不变:无论是线上还是线下,最新趋势和长期业务合作伙伴才是吸引我们参加的最主要因素。
The online version of Jinhan fair is a great opportunity for us. Due to the pause of travelling more and more meetings are hold online. To go online with this fair is just the next logical step. Our focus is same as always: New trends and long-term business partners are the key reasons for us to visit the fair – online or physical.
The online version of the fair will limit the time to talk to each other. So we expect all information to be on-point to get a quick impression of the items and suppliers.
Your current purchase interest.
We are looking for new or modified items fitting our range. It is also very important to find additional suppliers for our existing products.
Your suggestions for Chinese suppliers considering Covid-19 and online exhibition.
Please make sure you can give us an on-point impression of your portfolio and the new items.
Please leave your expectation and wishes to your Chinese suppliers.
A、Tedi期望早日观摩在线展示,并对中国供应商的新品翘首以待。我们将全力襄助Jinhan Fair线上展会取得圆满成功,希望大家同样为此努力。另外,我们仍然希望能够早日面对面交流。
We are all looking forward to the online presentations and are hungry for your new items. We will do our best to lead this version of Jinhan fair to success and we expect you to do the same. Still we hope, we will all meet in person soon.
6月18日 4:30pm
电话:+86 (0)20 8930 8925 吴帆