美国再加关税,外贸承压,JINHAN FAIR买家如何回应?
在沟通中,我们发现,尽管全球经济环境复杂,采购仍在继续,信心依然存在。让我们听听JINHAN FAIR买家怎么说?
我们刚刚经历了一段超预期的‘展会季’,达拉斯、亚特兰大和拉斯维加斯的市场表现超出预期!虽然价格、关税和物流成本仍然是挑战,但我们更应该关注积极的一面,相信中美能够继续合作。四月份的JINHAN FAIR,我一定会参加,每次来这里都像回家一样。
"We had our best show season! In Dallas, Atlanta and Vegas, the market was incredible. Although there were a lot of hurdles and things like pricing, tariffs and container costs were still tough, we should let faith prevail over fear. We must focus on the positive aspects and pray that China and the United States can cooperate with each other. I'm definitely planning to attend the Fair in April. 'Feeling more at home each time.'"
我计划4月21日到27日参加JINHAN FAIR,期待在现场见到大家!
"I plan to attend the JINHAN FAIR from April 21st to 27th and I'm looking forward to seeing you!"
我们今年依然会参加JINHAN FAIR,就像过去35年一直来中国采购一样!2024年确实是充满挑战的一年,但当我们参加完欧洲的六个展会(汉堡、苏黎世、巴黎、米兰、慕尼黑和法兰克福)后,幸运地发现市场仍然有活力。尽管全球政治经济形势严峻,但展会的观众人数却有所增长,而且大家的采购意愿也比想象中更积极。
"We'll be at the JINHAN FAIR this year, just as we have been for the past 35 years! After a challenging year in 2024, we were excited as we embarked on our first six European fairs in HAMBURG, ZURICH, PARIS, MILAN, MUNICH, and FRANKFURT. Fortunately, we noticed that our market is on the upswing again. This is not only the case for H*** but also for our colleagues. Despite the rather gloomy global political situation, the number of visitors at the fairs has increased, and the visitors were in high spirits."
"We will have three people attending the fair who set out on April 20th and return on the 27th."
"Our show finished last week, and it was good for us.Our Christmas stand beat last couple of years records, which was good. Overall, the market is doing well, we seem to be doing better in the interior and hospitality region, as retail is fading slightly."
2024年的圣诞季表现超出预期,我们推出的三条圣诞产品线反响很好,其中两条最畅销的产品来自JINHAN FAIR的供应商!
"We actually had a good Christmas, As well as our lines that sell through out the year selling well, as they are all gift line, we had three Christmas lines in the market. They sold very well! Two of the lines were made by a supplier who exhibits at JINHAN FAIR."
我们已确认将于2025年4月20日至25日参加第51届JINHAN FAIR,期待与大家见面!
"I hope all is well. We will join in the 51st JINHAN FAIR from April 20th to 25th, 2025."
"This only affects some products produced in Mexico, not all. The products I buy in China are usually not produced in Mexico as we lack competitiveness in those products. Also, although Trump says a lot, not all of his statements or proposals are approved by Congress."
现在市场情况有所好转,我们也在尝试开拓新西兰市场。我们团队这次仍然会有4人前往JINHAN FAIR,希望能在展会上看到更多新品,与供应商进一步交流。
"I think it's getting better. We are trying New Zealand, it is very close. We will have 4 team members again going to the 51st JINHAN FAIR and hope to know more about it."
全球买家正在行动,信心仍在延续!尽管挑战仍在,市场仍存在不确定性,但买家们依然坚定选择中国制造,并期待在JINHAN FAIR上寻找更多合作机会。