Apr.21-27,2025 9:00-21:00

 PWTC, Guangzhou, China

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Three New Featured Area & Several New Exhibitors


The 22nd JInhan Fair for Home & Gifts scheduled at Oct. 21 to 27 will be held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center Expo. In addition to the enlarged venue of up to 70,000 sq.m., JInhan Fair will extend the exhibit scope, enrich the product line, and set three new featured areas located in the east corridor on 2F and 3F.

Household Area

It's located at the east corridor of Hall 6, 3F, with an area of 289.85sq.m. Lots of household exhibits will be displayed in this Household Area, such as tableware, tea sets, kitchen ware, glass vases, pots, flowerpots, plastic flowers, candelabrum, boxes, clocks and so on. Until now, several new exhibitors have confirmed that they will attend our fair, HANGZHOU DECOARTS CO., LTD, HANZHOU SJ DESIGN CO..LTD. and MY PROMOTION LIMTED included.


With an are of 195.6sq.m., the gallery located at the east corridor of Hall 5, 3F, features higher-quantity paintings  from Xiamen, Dongguan and Shenzhen. These paintings are of differential styles. You will have a precious opportunity to drink in Classical Art, Modern Romanticism and etc.

Featured Factory Area

Professionism is the biggest highlight making the Featured Factory stand out. This area is located in the east corridor of 2F, covering an area of 492.2 sq.m., including wall decorations, lanterns, pots and decorative furniture. Featured Factory is a tailor-made displaying area for wall-decoration suppliers, lantern suppliers, and pot suppliers. Lots of home decoration factories from Fuzhou Minhou will gather in our fair, such as MINHOU DACO HOUSEHOLD CRAFTS CO., LTD, FUJIAN ORIENTAL STAR IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. And MINHOU HONG SHENG SOURCE ARTS & CRAFTS CO., LTD.

These three new featured areas, taking on unique styles, are a wonderful example integrating professionism and pluralism. It's believed that they will attract more high-quality exhibitors and meet the various sourcing demand of more buyers.

The 51st Jinhan Fair

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition


Guangzhou Poly Jinhan Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Fax : +86 (0)20 8989 9111

Tel : +86 (0)20 8989 9608

Email : info@jinhanfair.com

Jinhan Fair Online Exhibition